Website Design - Odd Duck Media
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Website Design

We Only Build One Thing: Your Perfect Business Website

When you bring your website project to Odd Duck, we take the time to get to know your business, your marketing, and your site’s objective to ensure that the final product fits your business needs perfectly. That’s the Odd Duck way.


Before we ever start any development on your site, our team will sit down with you and have an in-depth discussion about what you want your site to be. We cover the site’s function, style, feel, accessibility and overall purpose. This stage lets us ensure that we’re working toward the correct end goal.


After Discovery, we’ll put our team of developers to work to create two (or sometimes more) versions of your home page that encompass all the design elements you requested. We’ll then present the options to you so you can piece together your exact vision from the designs we’ve started.


Now that we’ve got the right visual design for your site, our team goes in and completes your edits and then moves on to building out the rest of the pages of your site. This allows us to make sure that all of the inner pages have the same feel and voice of your home page.


Once we have a fully-developed site, we’ll schedule another meeting with you to go over the site in it’s entirety. Every detail and aspect of the site gets analyzed with a fine-tooth comb. This is where we take your site from good to great.


After making your final edits, we’ll test your site across all browsers, devices and platforms to make sure that your site looks great and functions correctly no matter how a customer views it. Once we’re through, we publish your site live on your domain and turn over all of the management credentials.

Are you ready to experience the Odd Duck difference for your business?