09 Feb Odd Duck Has Reloaded
It’s official, we’ve cleared our queue.
One of the perks of being a small, boutique internet marketing firm is that the owners literally get their hands on everything. At Odd Duck, we absolutely love that we’re able to directly impact every single aspect of our client’s websites, online marketing campaigns, PPC accounts, directory listings and creative ads. We never have to worry about someone doing sub-par work in our name, because (for better or worse), it all falls on our shoulders.
The drawback to that, though, is that it can be difficult to keep up with growth and to complete projects in the agreed-upon timeline. If there’s been one area that we can honestly look ourselves in the mirror and say we’ve been finding difficult, it would be this. We’ve been blessed to receive recognition and accolades for our high-quality work, we’ve brought in new clients off referrals and grown our reach, and have contributed to the expansion and growth of our clients on a consistent basis. All of that is awesome, but does require a large number of man-hours to complete.
Fortunately, we’ve had a very productive January and early February. We’ve been able to finish new website projects (such as the work we’ve done for Dominion Design, RESP Delivery, Invision Roofing, Spire Investigations and much more), we’ve helped get existing clients ranking on Page One of Google for several keyword terms (such as helping Veranda Bloom rank on at the top for keywords like “French country furniture belton”), and have even brought in a few new clients that we’re ecstatic to get to work for (Specialty Building Services, Rio Bravo Home Inspections, Patriot Dog Training and various others).
With all this positive momentum, we have to admit, we got a little bogged down. We started putting in longer hours, working nights and weekends, and making our significant others very unhappy with us. Through the heavy workload, we learned how to work smarter, better and more efficiently. Now, we’re excited to have put together a systematic, manageable system for managing all of our current clients as well as growing with new clients. Since we’ve cleared out queue of pending works, we’re able to manage and maintain our daily operations in a more efficient, effective process.
Our team has grown through the heavy workload and has learned to manage our time and tasks more efficiently. The end result is we’ll be able to keep churning out high-quality SEO, website design, social media, and PPC management while keeping a smoother, less chaotic work schedule. That means better results for our clients and more room for growth and expansion. If we were recognized as a top US Social Media agency and a top San Antonio SEO firm when we were in our struggling months, imagine how much more effective we can be now that we’ve implemented better organization and time management protocols.
Bring it on, 2018. The Odd Ducks are ready for you.